bash mail

How do I send e-mails from a shell script including file attachments? The easiest solution is to send email from within shell scripts is mail command as follows. To send a message to one or more people, mail can be invoked with arguments which are the nam

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  • How do I send e-mails from a shell script including file attachments? The easiest solution...
    UNIX Linux: Shell Scripting With mail Command – nixCraft
  • echo $MESSAGE | mail -s "test" "" Is that how I sho...
    email from bash script - Stack Overflow
  • The mail command can be used under Linux or UNIX bash / ksh / csh shell to send an email. ...
    Send mail bash script – TheOS.IN
  • I found your article to be concise and VERY helpful, thanks! I was having troubles sending...
    Linux mail command examples – send mails from command line
  • The mail command can be used under Linux or UNIX bash, ksh, csh shell to send an email. To...
    [Script] Send e-mail from bash |
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    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十章、認識與學習BASH
  • Like any good programmer, I try to automate the crap out of everything. If you have to do ...
    ariejan de vroom - Send mail with a BASH Shell Script ...
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  • 在Unix命令列下寄送mail 在命令列下寄送mail很多人都會,但是更多人不會。本篇告訴你怎麼寄純文字、加附檔及HTML格式的mail 。 在Unix的系統管理上我們常會把各式各...
    在Unix命令列下寄送mail - TMU Blog北醫人部落格
  • Bash: mail: command not found(在CentOS,Redhat,Ubuntu和Debian中安装Mail邮件命令)。随着Linux的最小安装,在您的系统中...
    Bash: mail: command not found(在CentOS,Redhat,Ubuntu和 ...